Through our network of trusted energy partners we have in excess of £100 Million secured in private investments to be utilised on renewable projects over the next 2 years.

Traffic Ramp Energy Generation

Upto 100% of your requirements

Traffic Ramp Drive-through Installation

Sustainably generate up to 100% of your business’s energy requirements!

Photovoltaic Solar Power

Savings of 15–25%

Commercial Solar Installation

Transform your business into a long-term energy reducing model with zero capital expenditure

Voltage Optimisation

Savings of up to 15%

BPG Voltage Optimisation

By optimising the energy supply direct to your electrical equipment, you will be making instant savings on your electricity bills

Energy Management

Always be informed!

BPG Energy Precurement

A collective range of energy saving products, all designed to reduce our clients’ energy costs and CO₂ emissions

University of Plymouth Stockport Homes Abacus Lighting Nairn's Waitrose RSPB Westminster Abbey Amey AXA David Lloyd Clubs City of London Historic Royal Palaces Sainsbury's Trelleborg Kent County Council Waterstones Durham University WWF Experian Welsh Assemby Government Tesco Ofgem Asda NHS NHS HM Minsitry of Justice HM Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs HM Department of Energy & Climate Change National Grid HM Prison Service

Ask about our wide range of renewable energy solutions
all with ZERO Capital Costs

Email [email protected] or call 01652 681 883